Program TransferSOUND TRANSFERThis part handles 2 important forms of program transfer:.TAPE TO EMULATOREverybody wants to play their favorite games on an. If that particular program is notconverted to an emulator file yet or you just want to try for yourself, thefollowing programs will come in handy.There are 3 ways of converting programs from real tapes:. Directly load them into your emulatorNot many emulators can do this. To name a few:.
(PC/DOS) by Gerton Lunter,. (PC/DOS) by Zeljko Juric and Samir Ribic,. (Amiga) by Jeroen Kwast,.
(Amiga) by Toni Pomar,. (Amiga) by Peter McGavin,. (Macintosh) by Bo Lindbergh.Notice that you can usually only make a snapshot once loaded.
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Only Z80 cancreate TAP files while loading (so this only works for ROM-saved programs)ZXAM and Spectrum v1.7 only load ROM-saved programs though. Use a program that converts real-time. v2.04 and up (PC/DOS) by ThunderWare Research Center,. MakeTZX v2.0 and up (PC/DOS),MakeTZX (Unix) andMakeTZX (Amiga) by Ramsoft,. (PC/DOS) by Rui Ribeiro.This program samples and stores in TAP format, and therefor can onlyhandle ROM-saved programs.
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Custom loaders are off. v2.00 (PC/Windows) by.Saves out in the TZX format!The program is still fully in development and at the moment onlyROM-timed blocks and fully generic turbo loaders can be handled(and the user needs to know the exact timing values of turbo loaders). Sample and convert in 2 stagesThis technique should give the best results and can be used to convert any(Spectrum) tape you will find.The first stage is sampling your real tape. This can be done with any decentsampler program, or with dedicated Spectrum sampling programs such asREADVOC and READSB that come with the registered version of Z80.It's important that the sampling program can save directly to disk (as suchsamples are usually several megabytes in size), but without generating gapsat the locations where it saves data. You will want to save in VOC formatand 8-bit mono.
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If your sampler program does not understand VOC files,simply save in a format that it does understand (e.g. WAV) and convert theresulting file to VOC (e.g.
With ).The higher the sampling rate, the easier the next stage will be.The second stage is converting the sound sample file to an emulator file.Several utilities are available these days, and most of them create files inthe new:. (PC/DOS) by ThunderWare Research Center,. (PC/DOS) by Tomaz Kac,. (PC/Windows) by Attila Olbrich,.
(PC/DOS),. MakeTZX (Amiga) orMakeTZX (Unix) by Ramsoft,. (Acorn RISC) by Darren Salt.As far as I know, only can save at otherformats (such as TAP).EMULATOR BACK TO REAL SPECTRUMIf you own an actual ZX Spectrum, you may want to play the games on the realthing. So, you will want to upload the programs from the emulator files.The choise you have depends on the type of emulator file you wish to upload.In stead of transferring to a Spectrum, you can of course also write (back) toaudio cassette. Tape files (TAP, TZX, LTP, ZXS, etc)These are easy to understand.
Speccy: Portable Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator by The Latest Version of Speccy is 5.1The latest Speccy version forand,released March 8 2019, improves disk image loading in Spectrum +3 andfixes many Sam Coupe features, including line coincidence interrupts,memory page switching, and disk controller operation. Sam Coupe RAMhas been extended to 512kB. Make sure you check out thewhich has built-inbrowser and many other useful features. I had to discontinue MSDOS andSymbian ports, as there was no more demand for them, nor tools to buildthem on modern platforms.For a complete list of fixes, changes, and additions, check the.
If you would like to report abug, suggest a feature, or get help, use the.What is Speccy?Speccy emulates 16kB, 48kB, and 128kB versions of Sinclair ZXSpectrum, as well as Spectrum +2, +2A, and +3, as well as Timex Sinclairmodels. Although I had done some ZX-related work in the past and evenmaintained atsome point, for many years I abstained from writing a Sinclair ZX Spectrumemulator.
It was mostly due to the fact that there are so many otherSpectrum emulators around, so writing another one seemed redundant. On theother hand, the lack of a Speccy emulator felt like a gaping hole on myresume:). So, here it is, yet another Spectrum emulator, trivially namedSpeccy. If you find a bug, have an idea on the further Speccydevelopment, or would like to port Speccy to a newplatform, please.At the moment, Speccy supports all types of ZX Spectrum joysticksand the Kempston mouse. The AMX mouse support is not yet complete.
Both ZXprinter and the Timex (aka Alphacom 32) printer are supported and willprint to a file using ASCII 'graphics'. AY8910 PSG chip is obviouslysupported, in both 128k and Fuller modes. Only BetaDisk/TR-DOS diskinterface is currently supported, although other disk, wafer, ormicrodrive devices appear on the menu. These are being worked on.Speccy will load files in.Z80,.SNA,.TAP,.TZX,.FDI,.TRD, and.SCL formats. It will also load screenshots in the.SCR format. You maysave files in.Z80,.SNA,.FDI,.TRD,.SCL, and.SCR formats.
Pleasenotice that F4 starts/stops tape whileF5 invokes the platform-independentconfiguration menu. Some options on this menu are not available fromWindows menus. UseALT+ ENTERto switch between windowed and full screen modes.ALT+ PGUPincreases audio volume whileALT+ PGDOWNdecreases it. Finally, pressing PGUPwill fast forward the emulation to skip over lengthy operations like tapeloaders.Speccy has an interesting feature of automatically convertingZX beeper sounds into MIDI score and storing the soundtrack to a logfor later playback. Choose 'Audio Convert Wave To Melody' andthen 'Audio Log Melodic Sound' menu options to enable this feature.Licensing SpeccySpeccy is written in portable C language and will work on anysufficiently fast computing platform, be it a computer, a videogameconsole, a PDA, a cell phone, a DVD or MP3 player, or even a digitalcamera. If your company considers using ZX Spectrum emulation in itsproducts, you can theSpeccy source code from me. I am also available for consulting workin the software emulation, embedded programming, and other fields.