Web page NameDefinition NameNavigationUsageUser Profiles - RolesUSERROLESselect PeopleTools, then select Protection, then select User Users, then select User ProfilesSelect the Jobs tab.Attach workflow rolesto customers.' Identifying Usersfor Approval,' PeopleSoft FSCM9.2: Acceptance Framework.User Users - WorkflowUSERWORKFLOWselect PeopleTools, after that select Security, then select User Users, then choose User ProfilesDefine administrators.' Determining Usersfor Approval,' PeopleSoft FSCM9.2: Authorization Framework.User Checklist DefinitionPTAFUSERLISTselect Organization Components, after that select Approvals, after that choose Approvals, after that select Consumer Checklist SetupDefine user-list definitions.' Major UserLists,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Construction.Requester SetupREQUESTORTBLselect Place Up Financials/SupplyChain, then select ProductRelated, then choose ProcurementOptions, then select Buying, then select Requester SetupEstablishdefault information for requesters.Consumer Preferences:Procurement - Requisition AuthorizationsOPRREQAUTHselect Set Up Financials/SupplyChain, then choose CommonDefinitions, then choose UserPreferences, then select Define User Preferences, then select Procurement. Clickthe Requisition Authorizations link on the Procurement page.Authorizeusers to initiate and revise requisitions for appropriate requesters.Enable customers to accept requisitions. Specify a consumer's requisitionprocessing power in connection to appropriate requesters.Purchaser SetupBUYERTBLselect Collection Up Financials/SupplyChain, then choose ProductRelated, after that choose ProcurementOptions, after that select Purchasing, then choose Purchaser SetupEstablishdefault details for customers.UserPreferences: Procurement - Purchase Purchase AuthorizationsOPRPOAUTHselect Set Up Financials/SupplyChain, after that choose CommonDefinitions, after that select UserPreferences, after that select Define User Preferences, then select Procurement.
Clickthe Buy Order Authorizations hyperlink on the Procurement web page.Authorizeusers to initiate and upgrade purchase orders for relevant buyers.Enable users to agree to purchase purchases. Specify a consumer's purchaseorder running authority.Modification TemplateCHNGORDTEMPLATEselect Place Up Financials/SupplyChain, after that select ProductRelated, after that select ProcurementOptions, then select Purchasing, then choose Transformation TemplateIdentifythe areas on a requisition, buy purchase, or contract that caninitiate the sticking with actions when the industry is transformed. Within PeopleSoft Purchasing, the authorization of requisitionsand buy purchases can end up being handled by the approval structure.
Mostof the function has currently been carried out for you and is delivered with yourPeopleSoft system. You require to initialize the workflow ánd adjust theapproval sétup to identify your personal customers, templates, and servers.This section talks about the setup óf requisition and buy orderapproval within PeopleSoft Purchasing.After a requisition or buy order is certainly created,the program routes the purchase to an approvér. The approver canviéw and take action in two ways: using their worklist ór navigatingdirectly to án home loan approvals web page.
The approver can preview, in a graphicalformat, the path that the deal authorization will consider, look at whohas currently authorized the transaction, and notice any comments that previousapprovers possess came into.While the program awaits approval activity, the approvalframework keeps the overall state of the réquisition or purchaseorder, creates routings, and interacts with the software classes.The authorization framework allows you to execute anumber of acceptance duties, including:.Granting a purchase (requisitionor buy purchase) at the héader or line-Ievel. You can accept theentire transaction at the header degree or say yes to individual linesat the range degree.Performing bulk approvals. Usingthe Manage Requisition Home loan approvals page or the Approve Buy Orderspage, you can choose multiple transactions to become accepted or deniedat one period.
Make use of the Tag All icons to carry out mass approval.Denying a purchase. As soon as atransaction can be rejected, the workflow halts.Keep a transaction or transactionline. The hold action enables an approver to prevent the approval processand research an concern. When hold is utilized, the program automaticallyadds the person who produced the purchase as an ad hoc reviewerso that a comment can be sent. Once the transaction is placed on hold,it cannot move to the next approval phase until the approver removesthe hold.Pushing back again a deal ortransaction range.
A pushback profits the transaction to the previousapproval phase. The meaning of push back is certainly that the approver can be questioning the earlier stage's acceptance andis requesting clarification.Incorporating or eliminating advertisement hoc approversor réviewers.
During the approval process, approvers can add otherapprovers or réviewers to the current or a later stage of the approvalprocess. For illustration, if a customer wants input from an inventory expert,she can include the expert as an approver. This activity is known as ad hocapproval, and it implements just to the authorization instance in which theaddition occurs and does not affect the fundamental process definitionused for some other requests.Reviewing an online transactionthat displays the design of the printed version. The purchase opensup as a 2nd windowpane and can end up being published.
The Oracle BI Publisheris used to create this survey, and you can personalize it.Producing comments to be viewedby various other approvers or reviewers.Approving a transaction thathas become transformed. When a purchase is transformed during or after theapproval process, the authorization platform can require re-approval ofthe adjustments using the exact same approval component as the unique transaction.Approving or denying a transactionusing email instead than PeopleSoft webpages.Self authorization of dealings.This feature can become restricted or transformed off. Established Up the Consumer Profile ComponentFor the users with PeopleSoft Buying:.Make use of the Consumer Profile-Workflowpage to determine the manager who should say yes to the consumer's newrequisitions or purchase orders.Make use of the Consumer Profile-Roles pageto enter the roles of the consumer. A part can be a course of customers who performthe same type of work, like as a requestor, buyer, or manager. A roledescribes how individuals suit into workflow. Roles are defined under PeopleTools,Protection, Permissions Functions, Roles.Find 'Identifying Customers for Approval Platform,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval System.
Define User ListsUse the Consumer List Definition page to define listsof users who can accept transactions. These listings are utilized with stepsin the acceptance procedure. The PeopleSoft item delivers a place ofdefault user list jobs corresponding to the roles within an firm.For PeopleSoft Buying, default consumer lists include buyers, buyersfor hardware, buyers for Software, line level approvers, departmentmanagers, and task managers.Find 'Major User Checklist,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Construction. Establish the Requisition Position at SaveUse the Requester Set up web page to set up the statusof á requisition whén it is definitely preserved. The requisition position of Pendingis instantly submitted to workflow when the brand-new requisition is kept,however, the position of Open up is not posted to workfIow. An openrequisition cannót end up being viewed on the approver's i9000 worklist, in the ManageRequisition Approvals page or the Requisition Approval web page.In inclusion, you must authorize the consumer to approverequisitions by choosing the Authorization check container in the Allowed RequisitionActions group container of the User Choices: Procurement - RequisitionAuthorizations web page. Establish the Buy Order Status at SaveUse the Purchaser Setup page to create the statusof a purchase order when it is certainly saved.
The purchase order status ofPending is immediately submitted to workflow when the fresh PO is certainly ended up saving,however, the standing of Open is not really submitted to workflow. An openpurchase purchase cannot become seen on the approver'beds worklist or in theApprove Purchase Orders page.In add-on, you must authorize the user to approvepurchase purchases by choosing the Approval check container in the AllowedPurchase Purchase Actions group box of the Consumer Preferences: Procurement- Purchase Orders Authorizations page. Create Transformation TemplatesDefine modification templates for réquisitions and purchaseorders tó identify when a industry transformation should start the re-approvalof the deal by the acceptance system.To produce a modification template for requisitions, usethe modification template kind of Requisition.
When you very first produce thechange design template, the system non-payments the re-approvaI workflow triggerfor thé pursuing areas in both thé REQLINE and REQLlNESHIP records:.MERCHANDISEAMT.PRlCEREQ.QTYREQOnce you have made the transformation design template for requisitions,attach the design template to the Purchasing business unit using the PurchasingDefinition-Req Modification Options web page. The shift template came into inthis web page are propagated by the exact same business device across the PeopIeSoftPurchasing, eProcurement, and Solutions Procurement applications. Ifno requisition shift template can be described for the business device, thenany field changes begin the re-approvaI of the réquisition range usingthe authorization framework feature.To develop a switch template for buy orders,use the modification template kind of Buy Order. When you very first createthe modification template, the system defaults the re-approvaI workflowtrigger for thé pursuing areas in the P0LINESHIP record:.MERCHANDISEAMT.PRICEP0.QTYPOAfter you make the shift template for purchaseorders, attach the template to the Buying business unit usingthe Buying Definition-PO Change Options page. The transformation templateentered in this web page are discussed by the exact same business device across thePeopleSoft Purchasing, eProcurement, and Solutions Procurement programs.See.Discover. Evaluation the Approval Deal RegistryThe acceptance transaction registry is usually the interfaceapplication used to enroll an application with the acceptance framework.You use the Register Transactions page to web page link the parts, eventhandler, information, and courses that you developed into the approval processfor an software transaction, such as a réquisition or purchaseorder. Thé primary information and elements that make up the transactionare signed up, along with the authorization transaction on which to basethe approval process definition.Any PeopleSoft delivered approvals already havethe Approval Purchase Registry populated.
No extra configurationis generally needed. This contains the purchase registry for requisitionapproval (procedure ID Requisition) and for buy order approval(process Identity PurchaseOrder).The purchase registry with the procedure ID ofRequisition utilizes the cross-reference table PVREQAW and the defaultapproval component of PVREQAPPROVAL. Maintain in thoughts that a changedrequisition uses the same workflow setup as the authentic requisition;it is usually a re-approvaI of the réquisition.
PeopleSoft Purchasing andPeopleSoft eProcurement share the same setup data, actually though theobjects start with PV.The transaction registry with the procedure ID ofPurchaseOrder utilizes the cross-reference desk POAW and the defaultapproval component of POAPPROVAL.Discover 'Defining the Acceptance Transaction Registry,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Acceptance Framework. Configure the Authorization TransactionsUse the Configure Transactions web page to choose anddefine components that determine what triggers a notice, who receivesthe notification, and the articles of the notification.
Notificationsare mapped to work with the approval deal registry and includemenus and elements and SQL meanings.For the process ID of Requisition, make use of the approvalcomponent óf PVREQAPPROVAL.For thé process ID of PurchaseOrder, use the approvalcomponent of POAPPROVAL.Notice 'Setting up Approval Transactions,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Authorization Framework. Set Up the Authorization Consumer MonitorThe acceptance monitor provides administrators a viewinto all home loan approvals to which they have got access, as properly as the abilityto take necessary actions on pending home loan approvals.
Each procedure ID canbe set up making use of the Approval Monitor Configuration web page (EnterpriseComponents, Approvals, Approvals, Monitor Settings).As soon as set up, the Keep track of Approvals page canbe used from Enterprise Components, Approvals, Home loan approvals, MonitorApprovals.Discover 'Making use of the Approval Keep track of,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Approval Framework.See. Define Ad Hoc Notice TemplatesUse the Generic Template Description web page to establisha common file format for all ad hoc announcements. This offers functionalitysimilar to the Approval Monitor but not limited to the administrators.Add layouts for:.PO Approval.PO Approved.P0 Cancelled.PO Dénied.PO Escalation.P0 Information Added.PO Info Requested.PO Line Approval.PO Collection Approved.PO Collection Info Added.PO Collection Details Requested.PO Series Pushback.PO Line Reviewed.PO Pushbáck.PO ReviewSimilar templates can be found for requisitions.Observe 'Major Notification Layouts and Customers forApproval Platform,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2:Approval Platform. Fixed Up the Notice and Escalation ManagerThe Notice and Escalation Manager (NEM) isa mechanism utilized to course of action announcements and escalations ón a specifiedinterval.
Fór example, escalations are usually utilized when an approver has notresponded within a given time period to a deal that ispending acceptance. You can stipulate the time period (timeout) and youcan specify alternate approvers to whom to inform and turn theapproval for further action. Timeout choices are defined on the ApprovalPath Description web page.To fixed up the NEM, make use of the subsequent webpages: EventTypes, Set up Event, Occasion Standing, and Routine JobSet Explanations.Discover 'Using the Notice and Escalation Supervisor,' PeopleSoft FSCM 9.2: Acceptance Framework. Determining the Maximum Rows for thé ApprovalMonitor and Additional PagesOn the Set up Options- Buying web page, enterthe maximum amount of lines to end up being displayed at one time in the Review/EditApprovers section of the workflow authorization elements. Additionallines can end up being utilized by making use of the chunking options at the best ofthe section, including; making use of the Next Item key, Last Product switch,or entering a variety of lines and clicking on the Retrieve switch. Usethe PO Acceptance Monitor industry to define the maximum quantity of purchaseorder ranges.
Make use of the Requisition Approval Monitor field to definethe maximum amount of requisition outlines. The default worth for thesefields is usually 5.See. Activate WorkflowActivate the approval framework for requisitionsand buy orders by making use of the:.Purchasing Definition-PO ChangeOptions page. Make use of the Purchasing business unit to activate the approvalframework for purchase purchases in PeopleSoft Purchasing. Choose the PO Workflow Acceptance Required check boxto enable buy order approval within the company unit.
Selectthis check out package to substitute the PeopleTools workflow technology (virtualapprover) in PeopleSoft Buying with the approval framework. Ifyou allow the acceptance construction for the Buying company unit,then it can be allowed for eProcurement also. Once you possess chosen the PO Workflow Acceptance Required check out container,use the PO Create Exceptions group box and PO Change Demand Exceptionsgroup package to identify sources that do not need approval. The Switch Template moved into on this web page isused by PeopleSoft Purchasing, eProcurement, and Providers Procurementto determine which industry adjustments to the authentic purchase purchase willlaunch the authorization structure for PO re-approval. Select the Resubmit Workflow for Quantity and Price Decrease verify box to need approval of a PO modifications with a decrease initem amount or price.Purchasing Definition-Req ChangeOptions web page. Use the Buying business device to switch on the approvaIframework for réquisitions in both PeopIeSoft Purchasing and PeopleSofteProcurement.
Choose the Workflow ApprovalRequired check container to allow requisition authorization withinthe business device. By choosing this check container the PeopleTools workfIowtechnology (virtual approvér) in PeopleSoft Buying is usually replacedby the acceptance platform. If you allow the authorization framework forthe Purchasing business device, then it will be enabled for eProcurementalso. The Shift Template enteredon this web page is used by PeopleSoft Buying, eProcurement, and ServicesProcurement to figure out which field changes to the original requisitionwill launch the approval structure for requisition ré-approval.
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Selectthe Résubmit Workflow for Quantity and PriceDecrease verify container to require approval of a réquisitionchanges with a decrease in item quantity or price.See. The e-mail collaboration system enables applicationsto deliver, obtain, and procedure email messages with interactive content.
Many everyday tasks are usually part of a larger process thatinvolves several measures and individuals working collectively, such as the approvalof a advertising. To assist in this kind of multiuser process, PeopleSoftprovides home loan approvals features, which allows you to automaticallytrigger workflow announcements to notify the following approver in théprocess of pending dealings.Many PeopleSoft applications are delivered withpredefined approval processes. However, these topics provide the PeopleSoftHCM product line details of the Acceptance Framework features.While this document lists the HCM menu and additional topicsspecific to setting up up HCM Authorization Framework, more comprehensive overviewsand industry descriptions are usually recorded in the friend documentation PeopleSoft Approval Framework. The following terms are usually important to the understandingof the approvals functionality and are used throughout these topics: Approval ProcessA generic expression referencing the company processof how a specific transaction can be sent for authorization within an firm.Authorization FrameworkEngine that provides abilities for the creation,delivery, and administration of approval processes.Authorization Procedure DefinitionThe definition of an acceptance procedure within theApproval Construction. The definition may contain stages, paths, tips,varying hierarchies, and criteria, among other configurable guidelines.Approval Procedure DefinitionID (Process Identity)The ID linked with a specific approval processdefinition in the Acceptance System.
Each purchase registeredwith the Authorization Construction must have at minimum one procedure ID described.RequestA deal that utilizes the Approval Platform forapproval running. For illustration, a promotion, transfer period off demand,job requisition, and so on.Approval Step or StepA stage has one or even more approvers, whose actionsare monitored. A stage can end up being set up to need a place number of approversto work, and offers requirements which govern whether or not really the action is usually tobe energetic for the demand under concern.
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Steps are usually sequential.Acceptance Route or PathA path is a sequence of methods. For illustration, steptwo ways to its approvers just after step one is definitely approved. A givenapproval could actually go through several approval pathways based onsome decisions.
Paths can be mutually distinctive or parallel. TheyaIl converge at thé final approval.Acceptance Phase or StageA stage is usually a collection of acceptance pathways. Approvalstages come in a single sequence (phase 1, stage 2, and therefore on). Anapproval phase operates when it't immediately preceding stage finishes.When an approval stage operates, all the approval pathways within it runsimultaneously. The approval stage can be considered complete when allapproval paths within it have got completed.ApproverThe person who offers been decided to have got the authorityto apprové (deny, pushback, ánd therefore on) a demand.Requester and OriginatorThe requester is certainly the person for whom you desire theApproval Framework to deal with as the initiatór of a demand. In mostcases the requester and originator are the exact same person. However, whenusing the Delegation function the requester and originator of a réquestcan vary.
For example, if a manger delegates a purchase to a diréctreport and that direct report submits the transaction, the directreport is usually the inventor and the supervisor is the requester.SubjectThe individual for whom a deal is getting prepared.For instance, Karen submits to her boss, Russell, a promotion requestfor one particular of her employees, Robbin. Karen will be the requester (originator),Robbin is certainly the subject, and Russell is definitely the approver.Boss or ManagerThe individual who has management responsibilities forthe requester ór for an approvér, as described in your direct reportsettings during implementation.Approvals Manager or Acceptance Construction AdministratorThe program officer who is usually responsible forconfiguring, handling, troubleshooting, and sustaining approvals.Event or Acceptance EventThe Authorization Framework engine is event powered. Eventsare usually actions that can become used by a consumer in the system, actionssuch as submit, accept, deny, press back, and so on.Standing or Approval StatusStatuses typically signify the general state atransaction is in, such as pending, on hold, approved, refused, terminated,and therefore on.Acceptance CriteriaRules used to determine whether or not really acceptance isrequired.